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New/Edit manufacturer

New/Edit manufacturer

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New/Edit manufacturer

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The following properties are available when creating or editing a manufacturer object:


Display name

The name of the manufacturer displayed to users on the live site and in the administration interface.

Code name

The name of the manufacturer used by developers in the code. Unless there is a reason to set a particular value, you can leave the default (automatic) option, and the system will generate an appropriate code name.


Can be used to enter a text description for the manufacturer in order to give information about its orientation, background etc.


Allows to specify the URL of the manufacturer's website.


Can be used to add a teaser, usually an image, to the manufacturer. However, other types of files such as documents and audio and video files can also be uploaded.

Is important

Allows to mark the manufacturer as important. The flag can be used e.g. for filtering purposes when displaying data on the live site.


Indicates if the manufacturer object can be used in your on-line store. For example, if checked, the respective manufacturer can be selected from the Manufacturer drop-down list when editing a product on the General tab.


Localization expressions, i.e. Localize other languages (LocalizeLanguages), Remove localization (Delete) and Localize (AddNewUICulture), are described in detail in the Localization expressions topic in the Development -> UI cultures and localization section of the Developer's Guide.


Further information about manufacturers can be found in E-commerce Guide -> Managing your store -> Products -> Manufacturers.