AgileSite 7.0 Context Help

Manufacturers list

Manufacturers list

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Manufacturers list

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Here you can see a list of manufacturers who make the products you sell.


If global manufacturers are allowed for the current site (CMS Desk -> E-commerce -> Configuration -> Store settings -> Global objects or Site Manager -> Settings -> E-commerce -> Global objects), the Site drop-down list is visible enabling you to view global manufacturers, current site manufacturers or a mix of global and current site manufacturers. However, if global manufacturers are not allowed for the current site, only manufacturers created on the current site can be viewed. If available, the Site drop-down list offers you the following options:


(global and this site)

Both global and current site manufacturers are listed. The option does not allow to create a new manufacturer.


Only global manufacturers are listed. The option allows to create a new global manufacturer by clicking the NewManufacturer New manufacturer button.

current site

Only current site manufacturers are listed. The option allows to create a new site manufacturer by clicking the NewManufacturer New manufacturer button.


The listed items can be Edited (Edit) or Deleted (Delete) and you can also perform OtherActions Other actions such as ExportObject Export, Backup Backup, Restore Restore, Delete Destroy or Clone Clone. After clicking the ArrowBottom icon in the header of the Actions column, a context menu is displayed, offering options for export of listed data to various types of files.


More information about the use of global objects in your on-line store can be found in E-commerce Guide -> Configuring your store -> Multisite store.

Further information about manufacturers can be found in E-commerce Guide -> Managing your store -> Products -> Manufacturers.