AgileSite 7.0 Context Help

New culture version

New culture version

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New culture version

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This dialog is displayed if the current document does not exist in the culture selected on the main toolbar. It allows you to create a new version of the document in the given language. You may choose from the following options:


Create empty document

Creates a new document of the same type as the default culture version, but without any content.

Copy content from another language

Creates a copy of the document with content loaded from an existing language version. Select the language that you wish to use as the source from the list.


If Save the new document before editing is checked, the system adds the new document version and immediately saves the copied content.

Translate using translation service

With this option, the content of the document's new language version is provided by the selected translation service. The available options include all services that are currently enabled and appropriately configured in the website's settings.


Additionally, the following details can be specified for the translation (some of the options may not be supported by the selected service):


Translate from language - if the document is already available in more than one language, you can choose which one is used as the source for the translation.

Translate attached files - indicates if the document's file attachments should also be submitted for translation along with the main content. Only available if attachment translation is allowed for the website by the settings in Site Manager -> Settings -> Content -> Translation services.

Priority - sets the priority (low, normal or high) of the translation.

Translation requested due - may be used to specify a deadline date for the translation.

Instructions for translators - here you can enter additional instructions for human translators.


Machine services immediately insert the translated content into the new version of the document in the target language.


When using human translation services, the system initially creates the new document version as a copy of the source language. The content tree shows the Waiting for translation status icon (WaitingForTranslation_Flag) next to documents in this state. You can manage the translation through a submission ticket in CMS Desk -> Tools -> Translations. When the service completes the translation, you can process the submission to transfer the new content into the appropriate language version of the document.


Confirm the selected option by clicking Create document or Submit for translation.


Additional resources:


Developer's Guide -> Content management -> Multilingual content

Developer's Guide -> Content management -> Multilingual content -> Translation services

Developer's Guide -> Content management -> Multilingual content -> Translation services -> Translating documents