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Delete document

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Delete document

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This dialog appears whenever the Delete action is used for a document in the website's content tree. You can either confirm the deletion by clicking Yes or abort the operation.


By default, deleted documents are removed from the content tree and stored in the document recycle bin, which can be accessed in CMS Desk -> My Desk -> Bin. There may be up to two additional checkboxes available that allow you to further specify how the document should be deleted:




Destroy document and its history (document cannot be restored) - indicates if the document should be removed permanently without being stored in the recycle bin.

Delete all culture versions of the specified document - if checked, all language versions of the document will be removed. Otherwise only the document version belonging to the currently selected culture will be deleted.


Assigned SKU


If the document represents a product type or has products as child documents, you will also need to choose one of the following options to determine what should be done with the associated product objects (SKUs):


Delete SKU if possible - the product type document same as the assigned SKU will be deleted if no preclusive dependency exists (e.g. the product is not contained in any order). Otherwise, only the document will be deleted and the SKU will remain in the system.

Delete SKU if possible otherwise disable it - the product type document same as the assigned SKU will be deleted if no preclusive dependency exists (e.g. the product is not contained in any order). Otherwise, only the document will be deleted and the SKU will be disabled and remain in the system.

Disable SKU - the product type document will be deleted and the assigned SKU will be disabled and remain in the system.

Do not delete SKU - only the product type document will be deleted.


Deleted URL(s)


Deleting a document could have a negative effect on your website's traffic, because visitors may find it confusing when a page suddenly becomes unavailable (e.g. if they have it bookmarked). Another thing to consider is that the deleted page might be indexed by search engines, which will then provide invalid links in their search results until they re-index the site's content.


To mitigate these problems, you can check the Display alternate page when visitors access the deleted document box and specify a path to a Replacement document. The system will then add corresponding document aliases to the replacement document, which ensures that it will be served up when the URL of the deleted document is requested.


The following options can be used to configure which aliases should be created for the replacement document:


Copy all paths - if checked, all possible URL paths of the deleted document (including any document aliases) will also be added as aliases to the replacement document. If false, only the main URL will be used, i.e. the document's custom URL path (if one is specified) or alias path.

Include child documents - if checked, replacement aliases will also be created for all child documents removed along with the deleted page.


More information can be found in:


Developer's Guide -> Development -> Page processing and URLs -> Multiple document aliases

Developer's Guide -> Development -> Page processing and URLs -> Search engine optimization

E-commerce Guide -> Managing your store -> Products