AgileSite 7.0 Context Help

E-mails tab

E-mails tab

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E-mails tab

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On this tab, you can specify how will be notified about documents reaching this step.


The system sends notification e-mails according to the following rules:


When a document reaches the step, the Waiting for approval e-mail is sent to users allowed to approve or reject the step.

When someone approves a document in the step, i.e., moves to the next step, the Approved e-mail is sent to the user who submitted the document for approval.

When someone rejects a document, i.e, moves it to the previous step, the Rejected e-mail is sent to the user who submitted the document for approval.


This tab offers two configuration sections:




In this section, you can explicitly enable or disable e-mail notifications for the step, or you can make the step inherit e-mail settings configured for the workflow.


Specific e-mails


In this section, you can specify whether individual types of e-mails will be sent. The settings also enable you to choose a template for the e-mails or create a new one.


By default, all e-mail types have the default template assigned.


For each type of e-mail, there are three buttons that allow you to manage the template associated with the e-mail:


Select - brings up the e-mail template selector, where you can click a template to select it.

Edit - opens the editing dialog, where you can modify the currently selected template.

New - enables you to write a new template from scratch


After you're done editing the e-mail settings, click Save Save to save the changes.