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Workflow designer

Workflow designer

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Workflow designer

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On this tab, you can find the workflow designer, which is a tool for creating advanced workflow processes.


The workflow designer consists of a toolbar and a grid. By placing workflow steps from the toolbar onto the grid and connecting them, you form a graph that represents the workflow process.


To get acquainted with the workflow designer, first read the Introduction to workflow designer topic in the Developer's guide.


In advanced workflow, you can use the following types of steps:


Standard step allows approving or rejecting a document.

Condition allows splitting the workflow process into two branches, according to whether the condition is met or not.

Multi-choice step allows splitting the workflow process into multiple branches. You can define a number of conditions, one of which will determine the branch the process will automatically continue in. If more than one condition is met, users will be able to choose.

First-win step allows defining a number of conditions, where the first condition that is met determines the branch the process will automatically continue in.

User choice allows defining branches of the process, where the user will chose the branch the process will continue in.

Wait allows to define a time period after which a document will be automatically moved to the next step.

Published step puts a document's latest version up to the live site.

Archived step makes a document inaccessible from the live site.


You can also embed actions that will be automatically performed when a document reaches an action step:


Copy document - copies a specified document to another location.

Delete document - deletes a specified document.

Import translation - imports translations of the document that are ready.

Link document - creates a linked document.

Move document - moves a specified document to another location.

Publish to Facebook - automatically sends a predefined post on Facebook.

Publish to Twitter - automatically sends a predefined post on Twitter.

Send for translation - submits a document for translation using the specified translation service.

Send e-mails - sends e-mails based on a specified e-mail template.

Send notification e-mails - sends e-mails according to the e-mail settings defined for the step that immediately follows.

Set document property - assigns a specified value to a document's property.

Synchronize document - synchronizes a specified document to all enabled staging servers.


To learn how to add and configure individual steps, refer to the Designing advanced workflow chapter in the Developer's guide.


Adding steps


To add a step to the workflow process, drag it with your mouse from the toolbar onto the grid.


To configure the properties of individual steps, click the pencil icon in the top right corner of each step.


To delete a step, select it by clicking and press the Delete key. Alternatively, you can use the Delete button in the top right corner of the step, or select the step and click Delete in the toolbar.


Connecting steps


When you place the steps you want onto the grid, you must connect them.


To connect a step with another, drag the source point on the first step and drop it on the second step.


To change a connection, select it by clicking and drag any of the end points to another step.


To delete a connection, click it and press Delete or click Delete in the toolbar.