AgileSite 7.0 Context Help

Edit translation submission

Edit translation submission

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Edit translation submission

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This page allows you to edit the properties of an existing translation submission. You can manage the submission using the following header actions:


Save Save - commits all changes made to the settings of the submission.

RebuildIndex Save and resubmit - saves the changes made to the submission and resubmits the translation assignment to the service.

RebuildIndex Resubmit - resends the translation assignment to the service according to the current settings of the submission and the latest content of the source documents.

Synchronize Process translations - inserts the translated content into the corresponding language versions of the documents included in the submission. Only available if the completed translation has been imported for the submission, i.e. when it is in the Translation ready status.

Undo Cancel - switches the submission to the canceled status. Usually, this also informs the service that it is no longer necessary to finish the translation. The exact functionality performed when canceling a submission depends on the implementation of the used service.




This section displays basic information about the submission. You can also manually change the Submission status.




Here you can update the details specified for the translation. Not all options may be available depending on the translation service that is used for the given submission.



Sets the priority (low, normal or high) of the translation.

Submission deadline

Specifies a deadline date for the translation.

Include binary files

Indicates if document file attachments should also be submitted for translation along with the main content.


Only available if attachment translation is allowed for the website. Additionally, translation functionality may be limited only to specific file types. The related settings can be configured in Site Manager -> Settings -> Content -> Translation services.

Instructions for translators

Here you can enter additional instructions for the translators.


To send the modified settings to the service, you need to save and resubmit the translation.




This section displays all documents that are included in the submission and allows you to manually manage the corresponding XLIFF files (used to store and transfer the translation data).


You can download the translation assignment either for specific documents through the View Download XLIFF file action shown next to individual items, or as a zip package for all documents in the submission by clicking the Export all to ZIP button.


To upload the XLIFF files containing the translated data of a specific document, use the Upload Upload translated XLIFF file action next to the appropriate item in the list. If you have the completed translation for the entire submission in a zip file, you can upload it by clicking the Import all from ZIP button.


Additional resource:


Developer's Guide -> Content management -> Multilingual content -> Translation services

Developer's Guide -> Content management -> Multilingual content -> Translation services -> Standard translation services