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Inactive contacts

Inactive contacts

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Inactive contacts

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Delete inactive contacts

Determines whether the contacts associated with the given site should be affected when the Delete inactive contacts scheduled task is executed. This task is used to periodically clear out contacts (and the activities logged for these contacts) according to certain conditions. If disabled, the site's contacts will only be removed if they are deleted manually.


The remaining settings in this category are used to set the conditions that specify which contacts should be deleted. At least one condition must be entered in order for any contacts to be deleted.


If multiple conditions are set, only those contacts that fulfill all of them are removed.

Delete condition

Last activity older than (days)

Can be used to delete contacts that do not have any recent activities logged. Contacts whose latest activity is older than the specified number of days are removed.


For example, entering 14 means that the task removes all contacts which do not have any activities logged within the last two weeks.

Contact created before (days)

Can be used to clear out old contacts. All contacts that are older than the specified number of days are removed.


For example, setting the value to 365 means that the task removes all contacts created more than a year ago.

Contact last logon before (days)

This condition is only applied to contacts that are not anonymous (i.e. only those that are associated with a specific user account). It can be used to delete contacts who have not logged into the website recently.


For example, entering 31 means that the task removes all contacts who have not logged in within the last month.

Contact last modified before (days)

Can be used to remove contacts that were not edited recently (e.g. had their contact address changed). Contacts whose latest modification is older than the specified number of days are deleted.


For example, entering 31 means that the task removes all contacts which were not modified within the last month.

Contact merged before (days)

Can be used to delete contacts that were merged into another contact a certain number of days ago.


A merged contact is one that was combined into another contact, not the contact which is the actual result of a merge operation.


For example, entering 7 means that the task removes all contacts which were merged more than one week ago.

Merged into site contact only

Determines whether the task should delete all contacts that were merged into another contact associated with the given site.


A merged contact is one that was combined into another contact, not the contact which is the actual result of a merge operation.

Merged into global contact only

Determines whether the task should delete all contacts that were merged into a global contact.


A merged contact is one that was combined into another contact, not the contact which is the actual result of a merge operation.

Contact is anonymous

Can be used to choose whether the task should remove all contacts that are anonymous, or the opposite (those that are related to a specific user account).


Please note: Contacts that are only related to a customer or subscriber are still considered as anonymous.


The Doesn't matter option is the equivalent of an empty value in this condition. (i.e. if selected, the task does not delete any contacts unless at least one other condition is specified).

Custom SQL WHERE condition

Allows you to enter an SQL WHERE condition that determines which contacts are deleted by the scheduled task.


For example:


(ContactEmail is NULL OR ContactEmail = '')


With this custom condition, the Delete inactive contacts task removes contacts that have an empty e-mail address (and fulfill all other delete conditions).


Additional resource can be found in Online Marketing Guide -> Contact management.