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Global data & merging

Global data & merging

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Global data & merging

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Global data

Allow global contacts

Indicates if global contacts should be allowed on the website.

Automatically create global contact for user

If a user is present on multiple sites, a global contact will be created for all site contacts associated with the given user.

Automatically create global contact for visitors with identical e-mail addresses

If there are users with the same e-mail address across multiple websites, a global contact will be created for all site contacts associated with the given user.

When choosing from global contacts, select

Indicates which contact should be used as the primary contact if a site visitor has multiple global contacts assigned. The following options are available:


Last modified - the contact that was most recently modified.

First created - the oldest contact.

Create a new contact - a new contact will be created and the other associated global contacts will be merged into it.

Allow global accounts

Indicates if global accounts should be allowed on the website.

Allow global contact groups

Indicates if global contact groups should be allowed on the website.

Allow global configuration

Enables the use of global contact statuses, account statuses and contact roles on the website.

Automatic merging of contacts

Merge contacts for identical E‑commerce customers

Automatic contact merging will occur if multiple contacts exist for one e-commerce customer.

Merge contacts for identical Newsletter subscribers

Automatic contact merging will occur if multiple contacts exist for a newsletter subscriber.

Merge contacts with identical e-mail addresses

Contacts will automatically be merged if they have the same e-mail address.

When a visitor has more contacts, use

Indicates which contact should be used as the primary contact if a site visitor has multiple contacts assigned. The following options are available:


Last logged contact - the contact which has the most recently logged activity will be selected.

Most active contact - the contact which has the highest number of logged activities will be selected.

Create a new contact - a new contact will be created.


Additional resource can be found in Online Marketing Guide -> Contact management.