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On this tab, you can configure the SalesForce integration module which replicates AgileSite contacts to SalesForce leads based on their scores.



Organization access

In this step, you can authorize access of AgileSite to your organization on behalf of a specified SalesForce user.


Replication of contacts to SalesForce leads


Turning the checkbox on and off enables or disables the replication of AgileSite contacts into SalesForce leads.

Keep SalesForce leads updated

Turning this feature on enables updating of contacts that have already been replicated to leads in SalesForce before.

Mapping of contacts to SalesForce leads

Attributes of each of the contacts are mapped into the assigned attributes of a SalesForce lead based on these settings. Organization access has to be granted in order for this option to be configurable.

Batch size

Due to a limit in the number of API calls to SalesForce that can be made within a 24 hour window, the contacts are being processed in a batch of specified maximum size. This property specifies the number of contacts the batch can reach at most.


Used to specify which score is being used to count toward the limit set for the Minimum of score points for replication option. The scores are chosen on a site level. If you do not choose a score when enabling the replication, all contacts will be replicated by default. For more information on Scoring in AgileSite refer to the Online Marketing Guide -> Scoring.

Minimum number of points for replication

This property specifies the amount of points a contact has to reach within the score specified in Score setting. Once the contact reaches the number, he is set to be replicated to SalesForce as a lead.

Lead description

Field for entering a macro expression used for customized description of each SalesForce contact. The description can be mapped to a SalesForce lead attribute.

Default company name

SalesForce leads require the company name attribute to be specified. In this field, you can specify the default value of the attribute for cases when there is none to be found for the AgileSite contact being replicated. Make sure you refer to Online Marketing Guide -> Integration of 3rd party modules -> SalesForce -> Configuration for more information on the process.


Detailed information about SalesForce integration in AgileSite can be found in Online Marketing Guide -> Integration of 3rd party modules -> SalesForce.