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Here you can adjust settings related to the PayPal payment gateway. The following settings can be adjusted:



The e-mail address used for merchant's PayPal account.

Cancel return URL

The URL to which the buyer's browser is redirected if the payment is cancelled, e.g.: a URL on your website that displays your custom Payment cancelled page. By default, i.e. if no such URL is defined, the browser is redirected to a corresponding PayPal webpage.

Notify URL

The URL to which PayPal posts information about the transaction. If set, overrides the settings in PayPal merchant's interface.

Return URL

The URL to which the buyer's browser is redirected after completing the payment, e.g.: a URL on your website that displays your custom Thank your for your payment page. By default, i.e. if no such URL is defined, the browser is redirected to a corresponding PayPal webpage.


Further information about the Authorize.NET payment gateway can be found in the PayPal topic in the Configuring your store -> Payment gateways section of the E-commerce Guide.