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On-line users

On-line users

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On-line users

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This tab displays a list of visitors who are currently viewing the website. It provides basic information about each user, such as their name and e-mail address. For logged in users, this data is taken from the values entered during registration. If the information is unavailable, the system loads the values from the corresponding contact attributes. You can also see other data, such as the time of the user's last action and their current location (i.e. the path of the page that they are viewing)


You can filter the displayed users according to their name, either by selecting one of the letters at the top of the page or by entering text into the search box. Click Display advanced filter to access more filtering options.


Advanced filter


The advanced filter allows you to limit which users are visible based on their e‑mail address or the roles to which they belong. Additionally, several special options are available:


Display guests - if enabled, the list also shows individual visitors who are not logged in to the website. In the case of guests, the system fills in the name and e‑mail information based on the data available for the corresponding contact. When disabled, only authenticated users are displayed.

Show hidden users - determines whether the list includes users who are flagged as hidden (e.g. administrators or other internal user accounts).

Score - by selecting a score, you can view the number of points that each on-line user (contact) has in the given score. See the Scoring chapter in the On-line marketing guide to learn more.


Kicking a user


You can kick authenticated users off the website by clicking the Kick (Kick) icon next to one of the listed users. This logs the user out of the website. Kicked users cannot log back in for the duration specified in the Site Manager -> Settings -> Security & Membership -> Deny login interval setting.


You can view a list of all users who are currently kicked on the Kicked users sub-tab. To revoke a kick, click the Take back (Undo) action.


Chatting with on-line users


Clicking the SupportChat Initiate chat action next to an on-line user allows you to directly communicate with the given person through a chat window. This can only be done for users who are currently viewing a page containing the Initiated chat web part. Additionally, the Site Manager -> Settings -> Community -> Chat -> Enable support chat setting must be enabled.


Editing contact details


To modify the data of the contact associated with a user, click the ContactEdit View contact details action next to the given user.

Additional resources:


On-line Marketing Guide -> Contact management

On-line Marketing Guide -> Contact management -> Contacts -> Viewing on-line contacts

Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Chat