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New/Edit address

New/Edit address

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New/Edit address

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The following properties are available when creating or editing a customer address object:


Personal or company name

Here you can enter a name to be used in the customer's current address. The name can be either a personal name or a company name.

Address lines

Here you can enter lines of the address, e.g. a house number and street name.


Allows you to enter the city name.

ZIP code

Here you can enter the ZIP code of the city.


Allows you to select a country to be used in the customer's current address. If the country has any states, another drop-down list is displayed. More details can be found in the Countries topic.

Phone number

Can be used to enter a phone number.


Indicates if the address should be offered in the CMS system. If you disable the address (i.e. uncheck this checkbox), it will no longer be displayed, but it will be kept in the database for your records and to keep the customer's purchase history.

Use as shipping address

Indicates if the address should be offered to the customer as a shipping address.

Use as billing address

Indicates if the address should be offered to the customer as a billing address.

Use as company address

Indicates if the address should be offered to the customer as a company address.


Further information about customers can be found in E-commerce Guide -> Managing your store -> Customers.