This wizard is used to create new issues of template-based newsletters. The following steps are included in the wizard:
If there are multiple issue templates assigned to the newsletter, you can choose which one you wish to use in the first step. Simply select the desired template and continue by clicking Next. If necessary, the issue's template can be changed later.
This step is skipped if the newsletter does not have any additional templates assigned on its Templates tab. In this case, the main template specified on the Configuration tab will be used.
Here you can prepare the content of the new issue and configure its general settings.
Start by entering an appropriate Subject, which will be used for the issue's e-mails. A value must be entered before proceeding to the next step. By clicking Show advanced options next to the subject field, you can also configure following settings for the issue:
Sender name |
Name of the sender displayed in the issue's e-mails. By default, the value entered into the Sender name property on the newsletter's Configuration tab is used. |
Sender e-mail address |
Sets the address that is used in the From field of the issue's e-mails.
If bounced e-mail monitoring is enabled for the site, the Bounced e-mail address is used for this purpose instead. However, the sender e-mail address still works as the Reply to value (if a subscriber decides to reply to a newsletter e-mail).
The default value is taken from the Sender e-mail property set for the newsletter on its Configuration tab. |
Template |
Allows you to select which template should be used for the issue's content. Existing content entered for the issue will not be carried over to the new template unless it contains editable regions with the same names as those on the original template. |
Show issue in archive |
Indicates if it should be possible to display the issue and its content on the live site using the Newsletter archive web part. Please note that the web part may be configured to ignore this flag. |
The main area below the WYSIWYG editor is used to define the body of the issue. It is based on the selected issue template, which determines both the fixed content and the position and size of editable regions. You can customize the newsletter issue through these editable regions by adding text, images and other types of content.
By clicking the Insert macro () button on the editor toolbar, you can add macro expressions into the issue's content. The Context specific objects section of the displayed dialog includes the following newsletter-specific macro options:
•Email - resolves into the e-mail address of the issue's recipient.
•FirstName - resolves into the first name of the recipient.
•LastName - resolves into the last name of the recipient.
•UnsubscribeLink - resolves into a link to the unsubscription page, as defined by the Unsubscription page URL property of the given newsletter.
All other types of standard AgileSite macros are also supported.
You can save the content of the new issue at any time in this step by clicking the Save button at the top of the window. Once the issue is saved, you may also manage the issue through the actions described below:
• Send draft - allows you to send a test draft of the newsletter issue to any e-mail address.
• Preview - opens a dialog window where you can view how the issue will appear to specific subscribers.
• Attachments - allows you to attach files to the issue, such as images, an event agenda, white papers, etc. The attachments will be included in the issue e‑mails when they are sent out. Please note that other attachments may already be included in the newsletter template on which the issue is based.
• Create A/B test - may be used to prepare an A/B test for the issue. This allows you to create several different versions of the issue, evaluate them on a test group of subscribers and then send out the most successful one. Clicking this button adds the first testing variant of the issue. A/B testing is only available if the Track opened e-mails and Track clicked links settings are enabled for the newsletter on the Configuration tab.
If you add an A/B testing variant for the issue, a slider will be displayed at the top of the page, which allows you to switch between individual variants. You may also use the provided actions to create additional variants or remove existing ones.
To continue, click Next. This automatically saves the content of the issue.
Here you can select when and how the issue will be sent. The following options are available:
•Send now to all subscribers - the newsletter issue is sent out immediately to all subscribers.
•Schedule newsletter mail-out to all subscribers - the issue will be sent out on the specified date and time.
•Send the newsletter manually later - the issue will not be sent or scheduled for now. You can decide on the mail-out time later by editing the issue on the Send tab.
You need to click the Finish button to confirm the selection and finish the new issue creation process.
When using A/B testing, the options available in the send step are completely different.
The slider in the upper part of the page is used to define the size of the subscriber test group. By moving the slider's handle, you can increase or decrease the number of subscribers that will receive the variants of the newsletter during the testing phase. The remaining subscribers who are not part of the test group will receive the variant selected as the winner once the testing is complete.
In the Schedule mail-out section, you can specify when individual issue variants should be sent to the corresponding test group of subscribers. To schedule the mail‑out, enter the required date and time into the field below the list (you may use the Calendar selector or the Now link) and then click OK. This can either be done for a specific variant, all variants or only those selected through the checkboxes in the list.
The configuration made in the Winner selection section at the bottom determines how the winning variant of the A/B test will be chosen. You can select one of the following options:
•Number of opened e-mails - the system will automatically choose the variant with the highest number of opened e-mails as the winner. This type of testing focuses on optimizing the first impression of the newsletter, i.e. the subject of the e-mails and the sender name or address, not the actual content.
•Total unique clicks - the winner will be chosen automatically according to the amount of link clicks measured for each variant. Each link placed in the issue's content will only be counted once per subscriber, even when clicked multiple times. This option is recommended if the primary goal of your newsletter is to encourage subscribers to follow the links provided in the issues.
•Manually - the winner of the A/B test will not be selected automatically. Instead, you can monitor the results of the test by editing the issue on the Send tab and choose the winning variant at any time.
When using an automatic selection option (one of the first two), it is also necessary to enter the duration of the testing period through the Select a winner after settings below. This way, you can specify how long the system should wait after the last variant is sent out before it chooses a winner and mails it to the remaining subscribers.
Once everything is configured as required, you can confirm that the variants should be sent according to their mail-out scheduling time by clicking the Send and close button. If you only wish to save the configuration of the A/B test without actually starting the mail-out, use the Save without sending button instead. In this case, you can edit the settings later by editing the issue on the Send tab.
More resources can be found in:
•Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Newsletters -> Overview
•Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Newsletters -> Authoring static newsletter issues
•Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Newsletters -> Newsletter templates
•Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Newsletters -> On-line marketing -> A/B testing