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New/Edit product section

New/Edit product section

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New/Edit product section

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The following properties are available when creating or editing a product section based on the Page (menu item) section type, which is available by default:


Section name

The name of the product section that will be displayed to users on the live site and in the administration interface.

Publish from

Indicates since when the product section (and its content) should be published. You can click the Now link to insert the current date and time or you can click the Calendar icon to choose the date and time from the calendar. Please leave the field empty to publish immediately.

Publish to

Indicates till when the product section (and its content) should be published. You can click the Now link to insert the current date and time or you can click the Calendar icon to choose the date and time from the calendar. Please leave the field empty to publish without any publish end limitation.


However, you can define your custom section types, which means that different properties may need to be entered if you open this page.


The SpellCheck Spell check button allows you to check the section name for misspelled words. If you click the SaveAndCreate Save and create another button, the product section will be added to the sections tree, but the dialog will remain displayed and more sections may be created right away. Please note that the latter button is available only while creating a new section.


Further information about products can be found in E-commerce Guide -> Managing your store -> Products.