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The Designer mode of the macro condition editor provides a graphical interface that makes it easier to build complex conditions. It allows you to divide the condition into individual expressions and groups of expressions, which can then be managed as separate elements. The overall condition is defined by combining these sub‑elements as necessary.


You can add elements into the designer using the actions in the headers of groups or the main area:


AddMacroExpression Add expression - adds a new macro expression into the group.

AddWebPart Add group - adds a new sub-group under the given group.


Expressions are composed of two macro selection fields with a relation drop-down list between them. You can either input context macro code or static values into these fields. Macro autocompletion and the Show/hide macro object tree (Macro_tree) button are available for easier macro specification.


Each expression must always return a boolean result (true or false). Through the relation drop-down list, you can specify the operator that will be used to evaluate the values on the left and right of the expression. The following operator options are available:


is true, is false - these options may be used to evaluate macro expressions that already return a boolean value. Only one macro field is displayed in this case, as there is no need to compare two values.

is equal to (==), is not equal to (!=) - determine whether the values returned by the expressions on the left and right are equal.

greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal (>=), lesser than or equal (<=) - allow you to compare numeric values returned by the expressions on the left and right.

contains, ends with, starts with (and does not equivalents) - these operators allow you to compare text-based (string) values in various ways.


Groups are the equivalent of parentheses. They provide a way to organize expressions and set precedence. Each group of expressions is evaluated separately before being combined with the remaining elements.


Expressions and groups are added together using logical conjunction (AND) or logical disjunction (OR). Choose which of these you wish to use by selecting the corresponding radio button between any two elements. The final result of the condition is determined by the total combined value of all expressions and groups.


Existing expressions or groups can be removed from the condition using the following action icons:


DeleteExpressionGroup Remove group - removes the whole group, including all expressions and sub-groups that it contains.

Delete Remove expression - removes the given macro expression.


You can also change the order and position of elements using the actions available in the context menus that can be opened by clicking the respective WebPartZoneMenu icons:


Up Move up - moves the macro expression or group up before the one above it.

Down Move down - moves the macro expression or group down after the one below it.

Undo Move to parent - moves the macro expression or group from its current group to the parent group.


Items can also be moved simply by dragging them into the desired location. Groups need to be picked up by their header row, expressions need to be dragged using the cross icon.


If you wish to view or edit the overall macro code of the defined condition directly, you can do so by switching to the Code tab.


Additional resources may be found in:


Developer's Guide -> Development -> Macro expressions

Developer's Guide -> Development -> Macro expressions -> Macro conditions