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General tab

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On this tab, you can edit the following properties of the automation process:


Display name

The name of the process displayed to the users.

Code name

The name of the process used in code.


You can modify the process recurrence using the Start the process options. The recurrence settings applies to each of the objects it is being run for separately:


Always as a new instance

A new instance of the process can start anytime. Note that based on the process settings, this option can lead to unnecessary instances of the process being run concurrently.

If it hasn't been run before

The process starts only if it has never been run for the contact before.

If the same process is not running concurrently

The process starts only if there is no instance of the same process running for the contact at the same time.


Click Save Save to confirm the changes.


For more information on recurrence settings in automation processes, refer to On-line marketing guide -> Marketing automation -> Creating processes.