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Link properties

Link properties

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Link properties

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You can specify the following properties on the Attachments, Content, Media libraries and Web tabs:




Protocol + URL - the address of the linked resource.

Link text - the text of the link that will appear in the text. This field is visible only when inserting a link into an empty space in the text area, i.e. when no text or object is selected.


Please note: On the Web tab, only the last two tabs are displayed and the general properties are displayed above them.




Target - using this drop-down list, you can define where the link will be opened.

Frame name - this option is displayed only when the Target property is set to (frame) and the name of the frame where the target should be displayed is specified.




ID - the identifier of the link HTML element.

Name - the name of the link HTML object.

Tooltip - the text displayed when the mouse cursor is placed over the link.

Class - the link element CSS class.

Style - additional link element styles.


Detailed information about the WYSIWYG editor can be found in the WYSIWYG editor chapter in the Content management section of the Developer's Guide.