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Image properties

Image properties

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Image properties

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When inserting an image, its properties can be set on the following four tabs:




URL - URL of the attached image.

Alternate text - the text displayed when the image is not loaded correctly.

Width, Height - the width and height of the displayed image; in pixels.

Aspect ratio can be locked (UnlockRatio), which makes the second dimension recalculated automatically when you change one dimension, while the ratio between the two dimensions is kept.

If unlocked (LockRatio), dimensions can be entered manually into both fields, without the ratio being kept.

You can also reload the default dimensions using the Reset size (Undo) icon.

Border width - the width of the border around the displayed image.

Border color - the color of the border around the image; has no effect when border width is not set.

Horizontal space - horizontal space between the image and the surrounding text.

Vertical space - vertical space between the image and the surrounding text.

Align - image alignment.




URL - if set, the image will become a link to the resource defined by the entered URL. Settings on the Behavior tab are overridden.

Target - the destination where the linked resource should be displayed when the image is clicked.



ID - the identifier of the image HTML element.

Tooltip - the text displayed when the mouse cursor is placed over the image.

Class - the image element CSS class.

Style - image element additional styles.




None - the image is inserted as a standard image. When the image is clicked, no action is performed.

Open full size in the same window - the image will become a link. When the image is clicked, its full size is displayed in the same window.

Open full size in a new window - the image will become a link. When the image is clicked, its full size is displayed in a new window.

Show larger size on mouse-over - when the mouse cursor is placed over the image, the image is displayed in a "floating window" in the defined size. It will be inserted as the Image inline control.

Width - the width of the displayed image; in pixels.

Height - the height of the displayed image; in pixels.

Aspect ratio can be locked (UnlockRatio), which makes the second dimension recalculated automatically when you change one dimension, while the ratio between the two dimensions is kept.

If unlocked (LockRatio), dimensions can be entered manually into both fields, without the ratio being kept.

You can also reload the original dimensions using the Reset size (Undo) icon.


Detailed information about the WYSIWYG editor can be found in the WYSIWYG editor chapter in the Content management section of the Developer's Guide.