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Form tab

Form tab

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Form tab

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On the Form tab, you can create a custom layout for the currently edited form by enabling the Use custom form layout checkbox.


The layout can be specified through the text area and the WYSIWYG editor above it. The labels, input controls and validation controls defined by the form's fields can be inserted into the layout using the buttons next to the text area:


Insert label

Adds the field caption label of the field selected in the Available fields listbox.

Insert input

Adds the input control specified for the selected field.

Insert validation label

Adds the validation control for the selected field.

Insert submit button

Adds the form's submit button to current cursor position in the text area.


Clicking the Generate table layout button generates a default table layout containing all of the form's fields and their captions.


The following actions are available in the tab's header:


Save Save - used to confirm changes made to the form's layout.

Attachments Attachments - this button allows you to upload file attachments (images) for the form, which can then be pasted into the layout.


Detailed information about the Forms module can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Forms. The Defining custom form layout topic in this chapter demonstrates an example of how a custom form layout can be defined on this tab.