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This tab is displayed only for multilingual sites (i.e. those that have more than one content culture assigned). Here, you can view the language versions of the selected document. A document can have one of the following statuses for each language:


Translated - the document is translated and up-to-date. The actual language of the document's content has no effect on the status, the system only checks whether the language version exists.

Outdated - the language version exists for the document, but is outdated. The system considers language versions to be outdated if the default language version of the document has been modified (or published when using workflow) more recently.

Not available - the document does not exist in the given language.

Waiting for translation - the document exists in the given language, but its content has not been translated yet. It is currently submitted to a translation service. You can manage the translation submission in CMS Desk -> Tools -> Translations.


You can use the following actions for individual language versions:


Edit Edit culture version - allows you to edit the fields for the given language version of the document (i.e. opens the Edit -> Form tab in CMS Desk).

addculture Create new culture version - shown for languages in which the document is not available. Clicking the action creates a new version of the document in the given language.

TranslateDocument Translate document - opens a dialog where you can submit the document for translation to the given language, using a specified translation service.


Additional resources:


Developer's Guide -> Content management -> Multilingual content

Developer's Guide -> Content management -> Multilingual content -> Translation services