AgileSite 7.0 Context Help

Newsletter queue

Newsletter queue

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Newsletter queue

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On this tab you can find a list of newsletter e-mails that are waiting to be sent or whose sending failed. You can manage the newsletter queue using the following actions above the list:


ResendAllFailed Resend all failed - once the related technical issue is resolved, this may be used to resend all e-mails in the queue that were unsuccessfully sent. New e‑mails that have not yet been sent will not be re-sent.

ResendAll Resend all - resends all e-mails in the list.


DeleteSelected Delete all failed - deletes all e-mails in the queue that were unsuccessfully sent. New e-mails that have not yet been sent will not be deleted.

DeleteSelected Delete all - deletes all e-mails in the list.


RebuildIndex Refresh - refreshes the content of the newsletter queue.


You can also resend or delete each e-mail individually. After clicking the ArrowBottom icon in the header of the Actions column, a context menu is displayed, offering options for export of listed data to various types of files.


More resources can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Newsletters -> Overview.