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General tab

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The following table lists general properties of the currently edited option category, which can be configured on this page. Every category with selectable options has the following properties:


Display name

The name of the option category displayed to users on the live site and in the administration interface.

Code name

The name of the option category used by developers in the code.

Selection type

The type of input selection which allows the user to choose a category option. Please note that the checkbox selection type allows them to select more than one option.

Display price

If enabled, product option prices are displayed together with product options.

Default option(s):

The category option(s) which is(are) set by default. If the user doesn't select any option, the default one is used.


Can be used to enter a text description of the option category in order to give further information.

Default record text

Can be used to enter a default record text for the current option category, e.g. (none). For example, if you use this text in the Default option(s) property, it will be displayed to the user as the category default option.


Indicates if the option category object can be used in your on-line store. For example, if checked, the category will be offered in the selection dialog when editing a product on the Advanced -> Options tab.


Every category with one text option only has the following properties:


Display name

The name of the option category displayed to users on the live site and in the administration interface.

Code name

The name of the option category used by developers in the code.

Text type

Here you can define the type of text; either a text box or text area can be selected.

Display price

If enabled, the product option price is displayed together with the product option.

Default text

Can be used to set the default text of the product option under this category.

Text max length

Specifies the maximum length of the option text.


Can be used to enter a text description of the option category in order to give further information.


Indicates if the option category object can be used in your on-line store. For example, if checked, the category will be offered in the selection dialog when editing a product on the Advanced -> Options tab.


Localization expressions, i.e. Localize other languages (LocalizeLanguages), Remove localization (Delete) and Localize (AddNewUICulture), are described in detail in the Localization expressions topic in the Development -> UI cultures and localization section of the Developer's Guide.


Further information about product options can be found in E-commerce Guide -> Managing your store -> Product options.