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Shipping costs tab

Shipping costs tab

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Shipping costs tab

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Here you can define shipping costs for the given shipping option. Two types of shipping are available. If Shipping based on weight is used, multiple shipping costs are charged for the shipping based on the specified weight ranges. If Flat rate shipping is applied, the same cost is charged for all shipping.


Shipping based on weight


Multiple shipping costs are defined and the cost is charged for a particular weight range. Please note that the cost of the lowest weight range is specified in the Charge property on the General tab.


Using this approach, you can see a list of all defined shipping costs for the selected shipping option. These can be edited by clicking the Edit (Edit) icon in the Actions column and you can also delete a shipping cost by clicking the Delete (Delete) icon. After clicking the ArrowBottom icon in the header of the Actions column, a context menu is displayed, offering options for export of listed data to various types of files.


New shipping costs can be added by clicking the AddNewShippingCost New shipping cost button above the list and entering the following properties:


Minimal weight - specifies the lower limit of the weight range for which the current shipping cost is charged. The upper limit of the weight range is made up by minimal weight of the next weight range (if defined).

Shipping cost - sets the shipping cost charged for the current weight range.


Flat rate shipping


The same cost is charged for all shipping regardless of the shipping weight, as specified in the Charge property on the General tab. No shipping costs are listed.


Further information about shipping options can be found in the Shipping options topic in the Managing your store -> Orders section of the E-commerce Guide.