AgileSite 7.0 Context Help

Master page

Master page

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Master page

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Here you can define sections of the master page's HTML code. This code is also added to all pages that inherit content from the master page.


DOCTYPE - insert any code that needs to be placed at the beginning of the page's HTML source, typically the DOCTYPE definition.

HEAD - allows you to add HTML code inside the <head> element of the master page and all child pages that inherit its content.

BODY - here you can add custom attributes to the <body> element.


Master page layout - the area between the <body> tags displays the layout code of the master page template. To modify the layout code, click EditLayout Edit layout in the tab header.


The code outside of the editable sections is only informative and may not be identical to the actual code rendered for pages.


The following actions are available in the tab's header:


Save Save - click to confirm any changes made to the master page's code.

EditLayout Edit layout - opens a new window where you can modify the layout code of the master page's template.

EditTemplateProperties Edit template properties - opens a new window where you can configure the properties of the current master page template.

NavigateToDocument Preview - allows you to edit the master page code side-by-side with a preview of how it affects the live site appearance of a selected page. See the Design preview help topic for additional details about the preview mode.