AgileSite 7.0 Context Help

Canned responses

Canned responses

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Canned responses

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On this tab, you can view and manage canned responses for support chat. These responses are available to all users who are entitled to enter support chat. To manage your private canned responses, click the Support chat (SupportChat) button and then select Settings from the menu that appears.


Using the Site drop-down list, you can choose if you want to manage global or site-related canned responses.


You can create a new canned response by clicking AddCannedResponse New canned response.


You can perform the following actions with each of the responses in the list:


Edit Edit - allows you to modify the response.

Delete Delete - removes the response.


For information about how to manage canned responses and insert them into messages, refer to the Canned responses chapter in the Developer's guide.