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Edit banner

Edit banner

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Edit banner

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On this tab, you can modify the properties of the banner you chose to Edit(Edit). The following properties are common for all types of banners:


Display name

The name of the banner displayed in the user interface.

Code name

The name of the banner used in code.


URL of the resource you want the banner to link to.


Decimal number that indicates the frequency in which the banner will be displayed on the live site. Refer to Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Banner Management for more information on the weight property.

Open in new window

Indicates if the banner link will be opened in a new window.


Determines whether the banner will be displayed on the live site or not.

Valid from

Time from which the banner will be displayed on the live site.

Valid to

Time after which the banner will stop being displayed on the live site.

Impressions left

Determines how many times the banner will be displayed on the live site at most:

Number of impressions is not limited - choose this option if you don't want to limit the number of times a banner can be displayed.

Allow only specific number of impressions - allows you to specify how many times will the banner be displayed on the live site before the web part stops displaying it. Specify the number and click Add.

Clicks left

Determines how many times the banner will be clicked on the live site at most.

Number of clicks is not limited - choose this option if you want the number of times a banner can be clicked to be unlimited.

Allow only specific number of clicks - by choosing this option, you can specify the number of times the banner can be clicked on the live site before the web part stops displaying it. Enter the number and click Add.


You can choose from three banner type using the Banner type drop-down list. Each of the banner types offers additional configuration options:


Banner type

Configuration options


Banner content - plain text, which will represent the banner. You can also enter HTML tags.


Banner content - any HTML content, which can be edited using the WYSIWYG editor.


Banner image - allows you to select an image from the content tree, a media library, or enter a URL of any image on the web.

Image title - text which will be rendered into the title attribute of the image tag.

Alternative text - text which will be rendered into the alt attribute of the image tag.

Image CSS class - CSS class of the image tag.

Image CSS style - in-line CSS style that will be rendered for the image tag.


Click Save Save once you have set the banner properties.


Detailed information about the Banner management module can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Banner management.